Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mission Mum's Perspective

I know that we are no longer called Mission Mom's but I love the way New Zealander's call their Mom's, Mum's, so I just had to use it this one time. Some have requested my perspective on this mission. I truly can't think of a better mission to go to. I know I will get some push back from my own kids for saying that, but it is a very unique mission in many ways. It was summed up by a comment Elder Cook said when he came on the mission tour. He said that this was about as diverse a mission of any that he had seen. The beauty of it is much because of its diversity. One might only expect to have islanders here in New Zealand and yet in reality it is a melting pot for the world. That melting pot in general is reflected in the mission. We have missionaries from Palau to Provo (Don't worry, I didn't know where Palau was either). We have 5 languages spoken in the mission and your missionary will get exposure to almost all of those cultures and maybe even be able to speak a few of the languages, at least the greetings, as well.
Add that to the beautiful surroundings and the faith filled people and you have a wonderful combination for the best mission ever! We are truly blessed!


Kathy said...

We didn't know that New Zealand was such a melting pot until my son recieved his mission call. When he opened his call and read that he was going to New Zealand he was so thrilled!! Then he read on and it said that he would be speaking Mandarin Chinese. Now to find out there is 5 languages spoken in your mission. What an exciting time for all!

snow said...

Thank you for the updates! I love all the beautiful, sweet pictures also. Our son almost always includes some Maori phrase in his letters and emails home. I had no idea there were other languages prevalent in NZ besides Maori and English.

I get more excited with every new thing I learn about the country and the people there. Thanks for sharing!

Snow Jones
Kinston, NC


Thank goodness, the earthquake caused no harm I hear!