Sunday, July 12, 2009

Elders demonstrate the HAKA!

Left to right: Elders Vivaka, Sua, Barber, Hammond, Frew, Avea and Gramlich do their best to share the island tradtion of the haka!

Got Fire! Theme for winter season!

Elder Fanguna is 7th in the nation of Tonga at Fire-dancing! He demonstrates at lunch that he has the fire of the spirit to last through this winter season!

More Elder Fanguna!

Elder Gramlich toured as our Samoan fire dancer!

And Elder Avea performed at Polynesian Culture Center before he came to serve in New Zealand!

New Zealand Auckland Mission has talent as well as FIRE of the SPIRIT to last through our winter season!

Missionary service creates strong bonds!

Left to right: Sisters Porter, Hutchings, and Thornley!

Marae around the Gisborne Area!

Sacred Maori meeting house!

We aren't always eating, it is just something we do best!

Left to right: Elder Guerrero, Elder Dixon, Sister Fangupo, Sister Tafolo, Sister Shepherd, Elder Shepherd, Elder Cameron.

Left to right: Elders Collett, Long, McKinley, Krauss, Drake, Adams, and Smith.

Elder Sua is moving out of the way, then Elder Petty, Elder Barber, Komene, Witt and Jones.

Left to right: Elders Frew, Larsen, Watson, Docking, Lyman, Reese and Andros.

Left to right: Elder Thornley, Elder Hutchings, Elder Tolley, Sister Tolley, Sister Hutchings, Sister Thornley.

Left to right: Elders Hutchison, Watson, Drake, Barber, Larsen

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wonderful full time missionary couples serving in the Area Office!

Back row left to right: Pres. Porter, Elder Webster, Elder Wooton, Sister Fuller, Elder Fullrer, Craig Christensen (legal council).
Front row standing: Sister Porter, Sister Sessions, Sister Wooton, Elder Clark, Elder Streiff, Elder Sessions, Elder Larsen.
Front row seated: Megan Gallegos (receptionist), Sister Clark, Sister, Clarkston, Sister Webster, Sister Streiff, Sister Christensen (wife of legal council), Sister Larsen.
Amazing people we can all be grateful for! They do much good!